Chronic renal failure is progressive and can affect a cats life for months even years. Administration of intravenous fluids designed to decrease creatinine levels and reduce nausea may provide some relief from symptoms and make.
This can cause other problems like high blood pressure or bone problems.
How long can cats live with stage 4 kidney disease. Kidney disease is one of the most painful and difficult conditions for a pet cat to go through and it can be very difficult for an owner to face this condition if their pet is going through it as well. Because of the vital importance of the kidneys to the general health of your cat kidneys that fail to work properly will almost inevitably result in death. Life expectancy for cats with kidney disease can be as short as a month or extend out for many years.
There are far too many factors for each individual cat to give a direct answer to everyone. For acute renal failure life expectancy is heavily influenced by the original cause of the renal failure and any complications since. The life expectancy of a cat is influenced greatly by the stage of kidney disease that they are in.
When your cat is in the early stages of stage three kidney diseases his life expectancy can be cut down considerably. Kidney disease is a collection of conditions that affect the kidneys. Each condition is related to one of the different functions of the kidneys.
So sadly 50 of the cats in Stage 4 at diagnosis lived less than four months but that means that 50 of Stage 4 cats lived for longer than four months. What I find interesting is that at least one cat in Stage 4 lived for 1920 days after diagnosis or more than five years. It should also be noted that this study looked at cats some fifteen years ago and treatments have improved since then.
Ill start with this We are taught to treat the CAT not the numbers meaning their kidney values. Although I dont think my vets could have never imagined in a million years that Penny would have gone on to live such a quality life for 20 months after she was diagnosed they never let on to me that her situation was hopeless. By the time your pet has reached the end stages of kidney disease there is very little to be done to remedy his situation or to improve his health.
At the end stages of this condition he is going through a process known as renal failure. This is a situation in which his kidneys are shutting down and will no longer work as they should. Throughout this entire process its best to monitor your cat closely for signs of his pain and discomfort.
With a thorough treatment plan and thoughtful care you and your veterinarian can provide your cat with an enjoyable productive life for many years to come. You can successfully manage your cats renal disease for many years if caught early and managed appropriately. Powerful Tools for Cat Renal Failure Challenges.
There are several quick and easy changes you can make at home to help your give your cat an edge on easing kidney disease. There are five stages of chronic kidney disease. The mildest are stages 1 and 2.
In these early stages of kidney disease the kidneys are damaged and not working at full strength. At stage 3 about half of kidney function has been lost. This can cause other problems like high blood pressure or bone problems.
Treatment of these problems is very important and it can even help slow down the loss of kidney function. At stage 4 severe kidney damage has happened. Although kidney disease typically is diagnosed in older cats it occasionally affects younger cats as well.
Chronic renal failure is progressive and can affect a cats life for months even years. However acute renal disease usually comes on suddenly and can quickly be lethal. Cats in Stage IV kidney disease normally live only a few months at most.
At this point you must consult your veterinarian to determine the best course of action. Since kidney damage cant be reversed the focus of care revolves entirely around quality of life. Administration of intravenous fluids designed to decrease creatinine levels and reduce nausea may provide some relief from symptoms and make.
The creatinine level is higher than 50 which means that 90 of kidney functions have been lost. At this stage your cat may be suffering quite a bit so it is important to keep your feline friend as comfortable as possible. Your cat may lose its appetite but encouraging or helping them to eat can keep their strength up.
At that point your vet might recommend feeding them whatever they like to eat regardless of the effect on its kidney. Disease few studies have been performed evaluating long-term survival in these cats. One study out of 2 1st-opinion clinicsin London dividedcats into3categoriestodetermine survival.
Compensated kidney disease no clinical signs uremic cats and end-stage renal failure. 4 Survival data were presented for 60 cats. Cats in the compensated group n 5 15 had a mean survival of 397 days although 9 of 15 com-.
As much as anything else life expectancy for kidney disease depends on a persons age and sex. For a 60-year-old man stage 1 kidney disease life expectancy will be approximately 15 years. That figure falls to 13 years 8 years and 6 years in the second third and fourth stages of kidney disease respectively.
For a 60-year old woman stage 1 life expectancy is 18 years while stage 2 is only one year less. For stage 3 kidney disease her life. The earlier kidney disease is detected the better the chance of slowing further damage and the longer your cat is likely to live.
Kidney disease is much more common in older cats. Have your cat checked by your vet regularly especially once they are in their senior years 8. You know your cat best.
If they dont have the symptoms listed above but you are still concerned its always best. Most cats who live long enough develop some degree of kidney disease and we can see it show up early even in younger cats. No one knows for sure what causes it.
It is believed to be multi-factorial. CKD is the number one disease by far that we see in older cats. However there are things you can do to help significantly slow down its progression.